When the locks start coming one half mile apart, you just sit on the Sundeck and wait.
See the cable. I have to wrap a line round it as Jack pilots the boat past it.
Hummm! How do get the line in my hand around the cable without falling into the water or more importantly keep from getting green slime on my sweatshirt sleeves? Lean into it and maybe use a boat hook you say...not as easy as it might look.
This is me holding our 30,000 pound boat to the lock wall with the line around the cable. What a woman!
Oh, my! I hope the lock wall holds all that water back.
I hope I remembered to get a tetanus shot.
The lock doors are starting to open. Time to move on to the next lock. Yes, Alyse, I was wearing my knife. I am prepared to cut the line, if something goes wrong. Thanks, teach!
Great post! It conveys exactly how it looks and feels to go through there. Great job you guys, you are such pros! Had to laugh at your comment "It might be a good day to apply for a job as Boat Captain" because that's exactly what happened to us. I hurt my back one day when the turbulence got too rough inside the lock and I strained too hard to keep the boat positioned properly. He was stronger than me, so we switched roles in locks from there on. Also glad Alyse taught you so well how to handle locks. We saw one boat pull out a cleat because they'd tied off the line, leaving a hole in the hull, yuck! You guys crossing into Canada soon? Sure miss you!